Rounding Decimals 4th Grade. When rounding decimals, follow the three steps outlined below to the letter: Did you understand the steps outlined above? Fourth graders explore rounding a price given in dollar and cents to the nearest dollar.
Want to practice a skill you're learning in school? Rounding Decimals - how to round decimals and other operations on decimals, examples and step by step solutions The rules for rounding decimals are the same as the rules for whole numbers. Rounding Decimals and rounding money are two skills that go hand-in-hand.
These decimal worksheets will help your students practice adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and ordering sets of decimals.
The worksheets are customizable, randomly generated each time, and available as PDF or html files.
Additionally, students practice rounding money for objects that they "buy". No mathematician likes working with a long, awkward string of decimals, so they will often use a technique called "rounding" (or sometimes "estimating") to Does this process seem familiar? Instead, we round the value to a decimal that will be helpful.