Owl Pellet Dissection Guide. Photos of owl pellet contents - a guide to help identify the bones of small mammals found in Barn Owl pellet dissection and analysis. Start here and use this FREE Owl Pellet Dissection Guide to help you.
Kid Wings is a site designed to provide teachers and students with information and learning experiences about owls. Owl Pellets In lab, we will dissect an owl pellet to determine what the owl has recently eaten. Overview: Dissection of barn owl pellets provide a great way for students to learn many concepts such as environment, habitat, population, community, niche, ecosystem, producers, consumers, decomposers, food chains, and food webs.
Use these printable worksheets for your owl pellet dissection projects.
Owl pellets are masses of bone, teeth, hair, feathers, and more!
Owl pellet identification guide - including photos of some unusual. The owl pellet dissection can be repeated once or twice more (depending on your class size) over the course of a month or so for the purpose of collecting a. Comments about Including the Crosscutting Concept In this activity, students dissect an owl pellet which will eventually lead to students to discover that owls eat smaller organisms, and to the idea of matter and.